Ever since secondary school I have been interested in photography. My parents gave me their old camera and I spent quite some money on film rolls, mainly taking snapshots of everything that would remain still before my camera. During my university study biology at the university I followed a course on microphotography which gave my understanding of photography techniques a boost. I bought my first DSLR and with the Kodak T-max films started focussing on macrophotography as it felt close to the microphotography I learned. As the years passed by photography was always present in my life; I tried different genres and took an occasional assignment.
Scouting …
With the switch to digital photography I started focussing more on bird photography, combining my passion for ornithology with that for photography. I took great pleasure in it, trying to capture all the birds I encountered on my trips. But in a way it remained “snapshot” photography and I was looking for more.
In 2019 I started a programme at PHOC.nl to further my photography skills and dive into storytelling with my photos. Under the skilful guidance of Roy Soetekouw and Lennard Heijer I focused on landscape photography early on in the programme. Using long-expose techniques I explored the meaning of the word “breathing space” Lennard gave to me in the landscapes of the Bemmelse Waard, polder - floodplains close to my house; this is my project “Breathing Space”. As we are slowly coming to the end of our programme, and depending on the Covid-19 developments will work towards our exhibition in summer 2021, I start sharing my progress in this project through this WEB-site.
Contemplating on my project